K-12 Education Programs at the Museum
The Museum annually serves over 3,000 area students through Full-Day Education Programs for elementary students, hosted on site at the Museum, and through a Middle School outreach program, held in the school classroom. All of our K-12 school programming offers students the opportunity to experience American History hands-on, with an emphasis on Sheboygan County. Developed in consultation with area educators, each program is designed to meet Wisconsin and District curriculum standards and led by staff experienced in the fields of education, formal and informal learning, and social studies.
Programs are open to public schools, private schools, and homeschool groups.
First Peoples of Sheboygan County
Recently revised in collaboration with indigenous partners, students will learn about the First Peoples of Sheboygan and Wisconsin. Students will experience hands-on how natural materials were used to create needed resources such as baskets and projectile points, along with exploring a recreated Woodland era home. Students will then examine how the Fur Trade Era brought change, both positive and negative, to the lives of the areas earliest residents.
Journey to Sheboygan County
What was it like for early European immigrants to make the journey to Sheboygan? How did they sustain themselves? Students learn about pioneer life through a variety of hands-on activities such as making candles, carding, spinning and weaving wool, quilting, visiting a cabin made from hand-hewn logs, reading a map, carrying water, and starting fire with flint and tinder.
Historic Jobs of Sheboygan County
How have jobs changed and how have they stayed the same? Students learn about early jobs in Sheboygan County. They measure yard goods and weigh commodities at the General Store, learn how barrels were made, visit a cheese factory, and explore historic careers in great lakes shipping, farming, blacksmithing, and lumber.
The Civil War and Sheboygan County
Students travel back to the time of the Civil War and learn about its impact on the lives of people in Sheboygan County. Students “enlist” in the Union Army, march with a model rifle, send telegraph messages, make a toy drum, carry a stretcher, try out crutches, design a flag, play period games, crawl into a dog tent, sample chicory coffee, pose for a long-exposure photo, and much more.
The Technology Revolution and Sheboygan County
The Museum comes to the classroom through this three part series designed for 8th Grade students! The Technology Revolution and Sheboygan County explores the impact of technology and the industrial revolution on culture, communication, and transportation.
For more information or to schedule a program, please contact our Education Program Coordinator by email or at 920-458-1103, ext. 7103.
Sponsored in part by Sheboygan County, Kenneth W. Conger Educational Endowment Fund, Torke Coffee, Dalton Carpet Outlet
Education Volunteers Needed!
Do you love working with children and learning about history?
Are you available on weekday mornings or afternoons?
As we ramp back up to serving nearly 3,000 students annually, we need more volunteers to help with Education Programs. No teaching experience is necessary. We provide training and let you choose your interests and sign up for morning or afternoon shifts. (Shout out to the volunteers who come for the full day!) Volunteers also staff our “Busy Bee” days, to assemble kits for Full Day Education Programs.
If you or someone you know might be interested, let’s talk. We’d love to hear from you!

Visiting the Weinhold Log Cabin

Playing old-time games

Learning about pioneer life

Civil War Encampment
Regular Museum Hours
February 1 - October 31
Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 3 PM
Holiday Memories Hours
Friday After Thanksgiving - December 30
Closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Monday & Tuesday, Noon - 7 PM
Wednesday - Sunday, Noon - 5 PM
Additional hours by appointment for groups
FREE - Members
$10 - Adults
$7 - Senior Citizens (62+) and Active Military
$5 - Children 6 - 17
FREE - Children 5 and under
The Museum is closed New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve.

Sheboygan County Museum
3110 Erie Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53081, USA
(920) 458-1103