by Tamara Lange | Apr 6, 2022
Join us for our Annual History Hill Music Fest, Saturday, September 10, 12pm – 6pm! Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy free live music from various bands performing throughout the day on the front porch of the Weinhold Log Cabin. This family friendly event...
by Tamara Lange | Apr 4, 2022
The Elves of Santa Land are back in town! Join us for Holiday Memories 2022!! Rooted in the Museum’s collection of animated characters from the windows of the H.C. Prange Company and Boston Store, Holiday Memories offers a multi-generation walk down Memory Lane...
by Travis Gross | Aug 12, 2021
Join us for our Annual History Hill Music Fest, Saturday, September 11, 12pm – 5pm! Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy free live music from various bands performing throughout the day on the front porch of the Weinhold Log Cabin. This family friendly event...
by Travis Gross | May 7, 2020
Virtual Sock Hop on Facebook Get ready to go to the Hop…right in your living room! We know how excited for the Sock Hop you all are, so even though we had to reschedule the actual dance to later this summer, we are going to have a Virtual Sock Hop on May 15!...
by Travis Gross | Feb 13, 2020
Join us for a 1950s Sock Hop! Purchase Tickets online Friday, May 13, 2022, Laack’s Ballroom – JohnsonvilleW4302 Hwy JM, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Rock Around the Clock at our 1950s Sock Hop, May 13, 2022. Shimmy into your poodle skirts and leather jackets...